Project Updates and News
Brick House, Dalkey Avenue nominated for 2017 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – the Mies van der Rohe Award.
Principal Constuction want to wish Chef Greg O'Mahoney and all his team the very best with Greg's new venture at ember which opened its doors for business last week.
A large, early-twentieth century post-war semi-d with some wonderful Arts & Crafts-style features being refurbished and extended.
Principal Construction - Selected as Outright Winners in the Specialist Construction category of the Public Sector Magazine's Excellence in Business Awards 2016
We are delighted to have commenced site clearance for a construction of a contemporary mews dwelling at Mariner's Mews, Adelaide Place, Dun Laoighaire, Do. Dublin for John McLaughlin Architects.
We are delighted to present the completion of a new three story school at The Old Guardhouse, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.
The project included construction of a new school,a new three story building with a total of 16 classroom, with a general purpose hall, ancillary accommodation, ground level ball court, roof level secure play area, refurbishment works to the Old Guardhouse (a protected structure) and all other associated site works.
We are excited to announce that work has commenced on-site for the construction of a contemporary 450sqm creche on the Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. We are currently clearing the site, protecting the site boundaries and preparing to commence construction.
Estimated completion date: August 2017
Works are progressing with the complete refurbishment and extension to a detached listed townhouse in Rathgar Road. The works include the provision of 2 no. bay window extensions to the front facade, a two storey extension to the side of the house, alterations to window and door opes to elevations.
Estimated completion date: January 2017
Work is on-going with the conservation, refurbishment, extension and change of use of the listed 19th Century former Dublin Metropolitian Police Barracks to provide 2 no. ground floor office suites, 2 no. two-bedroom apartments at first floor, 1 no two-bedroom apartment and 1 no. one-bedroom apartment at Second Floor. An extension at ground, first and second floors will enclose a new staircase and lift
Estimated Completion Date: October 2016