Bella Vista, Dalkey
After significant site preparation and groundworks it is great to see our latest domestic project in Dalkey beginning to take shape. The aptly named Bella Vista, overlooking Dalkey Island, is designed by Miles Sampson Architects and is located on a narrow, steeply sloping site between two existing houses.
Drawing by Miles Sampson Architects
The site presented a number of design challenges including dealing with extreme changes in levels, overlooking, daylight, neighbouring properties, varied building lines, varied roof lines, etc. The successful design overcame these challenges resulting in a contemporary building that fits into the character of the existing street.
Drawing by Miles Sampson Architects
The house is being constructed using sustainable principals such as Photovoltaic (PV) roof slates, green roof, rainwater harvesting, permeable paving, passivhaus levels of energy performance, etc. Building to passive house standard ensures that the house will remain energy efficient for many generations to come.
Photos by Andy Sheridan Photography